Connecting to Microsoft Graph using the Authorization Code with PKCE Flow and PowerShell

I’ve authored numerous posts on using the Microsoft Authentication Libraries to connect to Microsoft Graph using PowerShell and Python. They cover using both public and confidential client methods. But what about a method that can be either? In this post I show how to use the Authorization Code with PKCE Flow and PowerShell to authenticate and authorize against Azure Active Directory for Microsoft Graph access.… keep reading

Interactive Authentication to Microsoft Graph using MSAL with PowerShell and Delegated Permissions

Previously I’ve written about using MSAL and PowerShell with Application Permissions and Client Credentials and Certificate based authentication. Also with Delegated Permissions and Device Code flow authentication. The one I haven’t written a post on is performing interactive authentication to Microsoft Graph using MSAL with PowerShell and Delegated Permissions.… keep reading

Finding Stale Azure AD B2B Guest Accounts based on lastSignInDateTime

Collaboration between Azure Active Directory tenants typically involves Azure AD Guest accounts. After a few years, the proliferation of ‘Guest’ accounts usually becomes a focus, especially for larger tenants. As Azure AD has matured the meta data associated with accounts, along with Microsoft Graph improvements is making it easier to define and locate stale Azure AD B2B Guest Accounts.… keep reading