I’ve been building a new project using an ESP32 microcontroller. Plugging the ESP32 into my Windows development laptop wasn’t showing up the com port for the device. Looking into Device Manager I saw the error below associated with the CP2102 USB to UART Bridge Controller.… keep reading
Update your Azure Sphere OS to 18.11 before Jan 15 2019
Update your Azure Sphere OS from 4.2.1 to 18.11 before January 15, 2019
Azure Sphere development kits became available in September of 2018. I had pre-ordered one and received it very quickly from Seeed Studio. I even wrote up my first impressions of it here.… keep reading
Azure Sphere – Initial Setup, Configuration and First Impressions
In April this year, Microsoft announced Azure Sphere. This was the same week as I’d be preparing for a presentation I was giving on Azure IoT at the Sydney location for the Global Azure Bootcamp. When pre-orders became available from Seeed Studio I naturally signed up as I’ve previously bought many IoT related pieces of hardware from Seeed Studio.… keep reading
Using your Voice to Search Microsoft Identity Manager – Part 2
Last month I wrote this post that detailed using your voice to search/query Microsoft Identity Manager. That post demonstrated a working solution (GitHub repository coming next month) but was still incomplete if it was to be used in production within an Enterprise.… keep reading
Sending Events from IoT Devices to Azure IoT Hub using HTTPS and REST
Different IoT Devices have different capabilities. Whether it is a Micro-controller or Single Board Computer your options will vary. In this post I detailed using MQTT to send messages from an IoT Device to an Azure IoT Hub as well as using the AzureIoT PowerShell Module.… keep reading
Exporting IoT Device Information from Azure IoT Hub(s) using PowerShell
I have a number of Azure IoT Hubs each with a number of devices configured on them. I wanted to export the details for each IoT Device. This can’t be done via the Azure Portal (May 2018) so I looked to leverage the Azure.IoTHub… keep reading
Adding a Display to the Teenager Notification Service Azure IoT Device
A couple of weeks back I wrote this post that detailed Building a Teenager Notification Service using Azure IoT an Azure Function, Microsoft Flow, Mongoose OS and a Micro Controller.
Over the Easter break I enhanced it with the inclusion of a display.… keep reading
Evaluating the migration of Azure Functions to Microsoft Flow – Twitter IoT Integration
Almost 18 months ago I wrote this post on integrating Twitter with Azure Functions to Tweet IoT data. A derivative of that solution has been successfully running for about the same period. Azure Functions have been bullet proof for me.… keep reading
Building a Teenager Notification Service using Azure IoT an Azure Function, Microsoft Flow, Mongoose OS and a Micro Controller
This is the third and final post on my recent experiments integrating small micro controllers (ESP8266) running Mongoose OS integrated with Azure IoT Services.
In the first post in this series I detailed creating the Azure IoT Hub and registering a NodeMCU (ESP8266 based) micro controller with it.… keep reading
Integrating Azure IoT Devices with MongooseOS MQTT and PowerShell
Introduction and Recap
In my last post here on IoT I detailed getting started with Azure IoT Hubs and registering an IoT device and sending telemetry from the IoT Device to the Azure IoT Hub. And doing all that using PowerShell.… keep reading