Previously I have written a number of posts on interacting with Azure AD using the Microsoft Authentication Libraries (MSAL) and Python. This page here lists those posts along with a series using PowerShell. The Python related posts also detail decoding Azure AD access tokens with Python to determine when the access token will expire.… keep reading
Interactive Authentication to Microsoft Graph using MSAL with Python and Delegated Permissions
Earlier this year I wrote this post on Microsoft Graph using MSAL with Python and Delegated Permissions. That post used the Device Code flow which was valid for the particular scenario I had at that time. This post whilst also using delegated permissions and MSAL with Python uses Interactive Flow.… keep reading
Microsoft Graph using MSAL with Python and Certificate Authentication
Recently I’ve posted about accessing Microsoft Graph using MicroSoft Authentication Libraries (MSAL) with Python and using MSAL with Python and Delegated Permissions. This is the final post in the series where I give an example and script for accessing Microsoft Graph using MSAL with Python and Certificate Authentication.… keep reading
Microsoft Graph using MSAL with Python and Delegated Permissions
Recently I wrote the Microsoft Graph using MSAL with Python post and mentioned that I would be writing up Python versions of similar MSAL posts I have written using PowerShell. Specifically, MSAL using certificate-based authentication and the topic for this post MSAL with Python and Delegated Permissions.… keep reading
Accessing the Windows Certificate Store using Python
As mentioned recently in a few posts, I’ve been writing a few scripts using Python over my usual PowerShell. I’m quickly realizing why I love PowerShell so much. It makes automation tasks so easy. Today’s challenge was programmatically getting a certificate out of the Windows Certificate Store using Python.… keep reading
Microsoft Graph using MSAL with Python
For MSAL with Python and Delegated Permissions see this post. For MSAL with Python and Certificate Authentication see this post.
The Microsoft Authentication Libraries (MSAL) started to become generally available in May 2019 and I’ve previously written numerous posts on leveraging the .NET… keep reading
Getting started with Local PowerShell Jupyter Notebook
Update 10 July 2020: See this post for how to run PowerShell Jupyter Notebook locally in a Docker Container or online using Binder. This post details how to run Local PowerShell Jupyter Notebook on Windows. You may also be interested in my Microsoft Reactor session "Elevate your documentation with PowerShell Jupyter Notebook".… keep reading
CIRCUITPY Volume not visible for an Adafruit Circuit Playground Express on Windows 10 1803
I’ve just returned from the US and whilst there I picked myself up an Adafruit Circuit Playground Express. I plugged it into my computer and by all reports it should just appear as a removable drive on Windows 10. Alas that didn’t happen for me.… keep reading
A Voice Assistant for Microsoft Identity Manager
This is the third and final post in my series around using your voice to query/search Microsoft Identity Manager or as I’m now calling it, the Voice Assistant for Microsoft Identity Manager.
The two previous posts in this series detail some of my steps and processes in developing and fleshing out this Voice Assistant for Microsoft Identity Manager concept.… keep reading
Using your Voice to Search Microsoft Identity Manager – Part 2
Last month I wrote this post that detailed using your voice to search/query Microsoft Identity Manager. That post demonstrated a working solution (GitHub repository coming next month) but was still incomplete if it was to be used in production within an Enterprise.… keep reading