Hackathons are something I’ve been an onlooker of for a number of years, but not something I ever thought I would be a part of. Historically because they were typically run over a few days and were more developer focussed.
However more recently I’ve noticed an increasing number of online hackathons that are run over 2-3 months. And Hackathons that are in areas I have enough skills in to put a submission together. Quintessentially I’ve been putting the Hack into Hackathon.
In 2018 I entered my first Hackathon and have just completed my second. This page lists my submissions for Hackathons (most recent first).
Microsoft Identity for All Hackathon – June 2022
My second team-based hackathon for another Microsoft Identity hackathon. We resurrected the Avanade identity hackathon team members and entered the Identity for All hackathon with a submission using Entra VerifiedID Verifiable Credentials including facial recognition.
This post details a summary of our submission.
Microsoft Decentralized Identity Hackathon – January 2022
This was my first team-based hackathon (over previous individual based submissions) and my first hackathon with professional colleagues as team mates.
My global Avanade colleagues and I entered the Microsoft Decentralized Identity Hackathon with a submission on Decentralized IDentity of Things (DIDoT).
This post details a summary of our submission.
ChatOps for Microsoft Identity Manager
Strictly speaking this project wasn’t for an official Hackathon. Let’s consider it a personal Hackathon to enable Microsoft Identity Manager for ChatOps.
Leveraging PoshBot and the Lithnet Microsoft Identity Manager Tools I built Plugins for PoshBot to enable Service Desk/Identity Operators to query the MIM MetaVerse or MIM Service using Teams and/or Slack.
This post here contains the details on how to install, configure and use the Lithnet.PoshBot Plugins with Slack or Teams.
Microsoft Graph Security Hackathon – February 2019
For this Hackathon I built my first WebApp that interfaces with Microsoft Graph to provide a single pane view of a Users Profile with respect to security configuration. The screenshot below shows the summary of a users profile.
The Architecture of the solution is shown below.
Additional details can be found here for my Microsoft User Security Evaluation Report.
Azure IoT on Serverless Hackathon August 2018
For this Hackathon I built an IoT solution using a Seeed Studio ReSpeaker Core v1 with a ReSpeaker Mic Array that integrates with Azure IoT and Azure Cognitive Services. This allows you to use Voice Commands to query Microsoft Identity Manager.
The Architecture for my Voice Assistant for Microsoft Identity Manager is shown below.
Here is a short presentation detailing the solution
Additional details can be found here for my Voice Assistant for Microsoft Identity Manager.