The Managed Identities for Azure Resources feature is a free service with Azure Active Directory. Formerly known as Managed Service Identity, Managed Identities for Azure Resources first appeared in services such as Azure Functions a couple of years ago. Much more recent though Azure Copy (AzCopy) now supports Azure Virtual Machines Managed Identity.… keep reading
Nested Virtual PowerShell Desktop Environments on Windows 10 & Windows Server 2019 in Azure – Part 2
27 Nov 18 Part 3 is available here that details customizing an image and accessing it via other SSH clients with elevated access.
In Part-1 of this series posted yesterday I showed that with Windows 10/Windows Server 2019 we can now have isolated virtual environments for PowerShell Desktop in Azure through containerization.… keep reading
Nested Virtual PowerShell Desktop Environments on Windows 10 & Windows Server 2019 in Azure – Part 1
22 Nov 18 Part 2 is available here that details accessing the Docker Image via Azure Cloud Shell / SSH
27 Nov 18 Part 3 is available here that details customizing an image and accessing it via other SSH clients with elevated access.… keep reading
Enabling and Scripting Azure Virtual Machine Just-In-Time Access
Last week (19 July 2017) one of Microsoft’s Azure Security Center’s latest features went from Private Preview to Public Preview. The feature is Azure Just in time Virtual Machine Access.
What is Just in time Virtual Machine access?
Essentially JIT VM Access is a wrapper for automating an Azure Network Security Group rule set for access to an Azure VM(s) for a temporal period on a set of network ports restricted to a source IP/Network.… keep reading
How to quickly recover from a FAILED AzureRM Virtual Machine using Powershell
I have a development sandpit in Azure which I use quite a lot to test and mess with different ideas and concepts. This week when shutting it down things didn’t go that smoothly. All but one virtual machine finally stopped and de-allocated, but one virtual machine just didn’t make it.… keep reading