I’ve authored numerous posts on using the Microsoft Authentication Libraries to connect to Microsoft Graph using PowerShell and Python. They cover using both public and confidential client methods. But what about a method that can be either? In this post I show how to use the Authorization Code with PKCE Flow and PowerShell to authenticate and authorize against Azure Active Directory for Microsoft Graph access.… keep reading
Generating PKCE codes with PowerShell
Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) is a mechanism often used with an OAuth2 Authorization Code Grant flow to provide an enhanced level of security when authenticating to an Identity Provider such as Microsoft Graph to get an access token. In order to use PKCE a code_verifier is generated along with a code_challenge.… keep reading
Interactive Authentication to Microsoft Graph using MSAL with PowerShell and Delegated Permissions
Previously I’ve written about using MSAL and PowerShell with Application Permissions and Client Credentials and Certificate based authentication. Also with Delegated Permissions and Device Code flow authentication. The one I haven’t written a post on is performing interactive authentication to Microsoft Graph using MSAL with PowerShell and Delegated Permissions.… keep reading
Microsoft Graph using MSAL with PowerShell and Certificate Authentication
Close to 3 years ago I authored this post on using PowerShell for Certificate based Azure AD Authentication using ADAL (Active Directory Authentication Library). More recently I’ve published posts on using MSAL (MicroSoft Authentication Library) with PowerShell for Application and Delegated integration with the Microsoft Graph.… keep reading
Microsoft Graph using MSAL with PowerShell and Delegated Permissions
In October last year I authored this post that provided a getting started guide to using MSAL with PowerShell. That post also hinted at future posts expanding on additional functionality. Finally, I’m delivering on that with this post that will dive into using MSAL with PowerShell and delegated permissions.… keep reading
Microsoft Graph using MSAL with PowerShell
Update 9 July 2020: This post details using MSAL with PowerShell for Azure AD Registered Applications with Application Permissions. See this post for using MSAL with PowerShell for Azure AD Registered Applications with Delegated Permissions. See this post for using MSAL with PowerShell for Azure AD Registered Applications using Application Permissions with Certificate based authentication.… keep reading
JWTDetails PowerShell Module for Decoding JWT Access Tokens with readable Token Expiry Time
Updated: 4 July 2024 – JWTDetails updated to v1.0.3
- Updated code signing certificate
- Updated timestamp server
Updated: 15 June 2020 – JWTDetails updated to v1.0.2
- Fixes issue related to time zones with 30min offsets
- Code Signed
I’ve just published my first PowerShell Module to the PowerShell Gallery.… keep reading
Azure AD Log Analytics KQL queries via API with PowerShell
Log Analytics is a fantastic tool in the Azure Portal that provides the ability to query Azure Monitor events. It provides the ability to quickly create queries using KQL (Kusto Query Language). Once you’ve created the query however you may want to run that query through automation negating the need to use the Azure Portal every time you want to get the associated report data.… keep reading
A quick start guide to leveraging the Azure Graph API with PowerShell and oAuth 2.0
Update Oct 2019: See this post for simplifying oAuth Authentication to Microsoft Graph using PowerShell and the MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Libraries)
In September 2016 I wrote this post detailing integrating with the Azure Graph API via PowerShell and oAuth 2.0.… keep reading