Today I was keen to try out some new ideas I wanted to explore in a Jupyter Notebook. I hadn’t used that environment for about six months so thought I’d grab the latest version of dotnet interactive before I started. Looking back at a previous post on updating dotnet interactive I jumped straight to dotnet tool search dotnet-interactive to find the latest version.… keep reading
Updating .NET Interactive
I’ve been using Jupyter Notebook with PowerShell since the early releases of of the Public Preview of PowerShell Support in Jupyter Notebooks in March 2020. I’ve written about how to use PowerShell Jupyter Notebook with Docker and Binder and even enabling C#, F# & PowerShell .NET… keep reading
Microsoft.dotnet-interactive is not compatible with netcoreapp3.1
Today I was writing an example PowerShell script in Jupyter Notebook that used a module that required PowerShell 7.1.x. It wasn’t working and was complaining about not meeting the minimum requirements. I checked to see what the current version of PowerShell was in my .NET… keep reading
Standalone installation of the MIM Self Service Password Reset Portals ends prematurely
Today I was performing a standalone installation of the MIM Self Service Password Reset Portals (Enrollment and Reset). These Portals rely on IIS and not the normal prerequisites associated with the MIM Service Portal (SharePoint etc). As such using PowerShell I’d only installed the Web Server Role with the usual dependencies.… keep reading