Microsoft.dotnet-interactive is not compatible with net5.0

Today I was keen to try out some new ideas I wanted to explore in a Jupyter Notebook. I hadn’t used that environment for about six months so thought I’d grab the latest version of dotnet interactive before I started. Looking back at a previous post on updating dotnet interactive I jumped straight to dotnet tool search dotnet-interactive to find the latest version.

I then used the dotnet tool update –global Microsoft.dotnet-interactive –version 1.0.325601 command to (try) and update the dotnet-interactive package and got the Microsoft.dotnet-interactive is not compatible with net5.0 error.

Microsoft.dotnet-interactive is not compatible with net5.0

This looked vaguely familiar. A quick search of my blog and I found I’d been in a similar situation before. Ah yes, when the update to PowerShell 7.1+ required .NET SDK 5.0.

When did dotnet-interactive required .NET 6.0?

Ok, so the latest version of Microsoft.dotnet-interactive requires .NET 6. When did that happen? Looking through the releases over the past months I can see that .NET 6 became a dependency 6 months ago with version 1.0.258003.

Microsoft.dotnet-interactive is not compatible with net5.0

Inspecting installed .NET SDK Versions

It was time to have a look at the versions of the .NET SDK’s I had installed in my environment. Running dotnet –-info showed that I had versions 3.1.414 and 5.0.208.

Updating .NET SDK / Installing .NET 6 SDK

I headed over to and downloaded the x64 bit version of the .NET SDK 6.0.

I installed the .NET SDK 6.0.x.

After installation I checked the installed versions again using dotnet –-info. I now have version 6.0.300 in addition to the versions I previously had.

Microsoft.dotnet-interactive is not compatible with net5.0 dependencies

Updating Microsoft.dotnet-interactive to version 1.0.325601

With dependencies sorted, re-running the update for .NET Interactive this time was successful. No more Microsoft.dotnet-interactive is not compatible with net5.0 error message.

dotnet tool update --global Microsoft.dotnet-interactive --version 1.0.325601
No more Microsoft.dotnet-interactive is not compatible with net5.0 error


If you have been running Jupyter Notebook using PowerShell 7.1.x and are updating to recent versions of .NET Interactive you will also need the .NET 6.0 SDK.