Today I was writing an example PowerShell script in Jupyter Notebook that used a module that required PowerShell 7.1.x. It wasn’t working and was complaining about not meeting the minimum requirements. I checked to see what the current version of PowerShell was in my .NET… keep reading
Using 1Password with PowerShell
This week I was updating some documentation in a Jupyter Notebook that had placeholders for credentials in it. This got me to thinking, I wonder if it is possible to get secrets from 1Password with PowerShell. 1Password as that is my password manager of choice.… keep reading
A Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations Management Agent for Microsoft Identity Manager
As I mentioned in a recent post I’ve recently dived back into Microsoft Identity Manager. The focus of this post is some development I recently did to build a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations Management Agent for Microsoft Identity Manager.… keep reading
Using the new Granfeldt FIM/MIM PowerShell Management Features
Last week Søren Granfeldt released the first update to his hugely popular Granfeldt FIM/MIM PowerShell Management in over 2 years. This post looks at the latest release and using the new Granfeldt FIM/MIM PowerShell Management Features.
The new features are:
- A new option to specify an auxiliary set of credentials that is passed to scripts.
Sending Granfeldt PowerShell Management Agent Events to the Windows Application Event Log
It has been a while since I wrote a Microsoft Identity Manager or even a Granfeldt PowerShell Management Agent related post. Primarily because it has been quite some time since I have done any development for MIM. The last few weeks though I have, and I wanted to output PowerShell Management Agent Events to the Windows Application Event Log.… keep reading
Azure AD Authentication Methods Summary Reports using Microsoft Graph and PowerShell
Recently I wrote about reporting on individual Azure AD Users Authentication Methods using Microsoft Graph and PowerShell. Whilst this is great at a user level, Azure AD Authentication Methods Summary Reports at an organization level are often requested by IT Management.… keep reading
Finding Stale Azure AD B2B Guest Accounts based on lastSignInDateTime
Collaboration between Azure Active Directory tenants typically involves Azure AD Guest accounts. After a few years, the proliferation of ‘Guest’ accounts usually becomes a focus, especially for larger tenants. As Azure AD has matured the meta data associated with accounts, along with Microsoft Graph improvements is making it easier to define and locate stale Azure AD B2B Guest Accounts.… keep reading
Reporting on Users’ Azure AD Authentication Methods using Microsoft Graph and PowerShell
Reporting on users’ registered Azure AD Authentication methods is a more common request from enterprise security teams recently with the advance of Passwordless Authentication. In mid 2020 Microsoft added the ability to report on Azure AD Authentication Methods using Microsoft Graph, however ONLY with Delegated Microsoft Graph permissions.… keep reading
Getting Microsoft 365 Individual User Usage Reports with PowerShell
The ability to obtain Individual User Usage Reports has been possible in Office365 for many years. However, they were only available from each individual service such as Teams, OneDrive, Exchange, SharePoint and Yammer. If you wanted a holistic view you needed to query each of the services API’s and collate the responses for each identity.… keep reading
Enabling C#, F# & PowerShell .NET Interactive Kernels in AzureML
By default the AzureML environment provides the Python and R kernels. The reason you’re here though will be because, like me you want PowerShell. This post details the steps to enable the .NET Interactive (C#, F# & PowerShell) kernels in AzureML.… keep reading