Finding Stale Azure AD B2B Guest Accounts based on lastSignInDateTime

Collaboration between Azure Active Directory tenants typically involves Azure AD Guest accounts. After a few years, the proliferation of ‘Guest’ accounts usually becomes a focus, especially for larger tenants. As Azure AD has matured the meta data associated with accounts, along with Microsoft Graph improvements is making it easier to define and locate stale Azure AD B2B Guest Accounts.… keep reading

Elevate your documentation with PowerShell Jupyter Notebook

Today I presented a Microsoft Reactor session on How to Elevate your documentation with PowerShell Jupyter Notebook. This session provided;

  • an introduction to ‘What is Jupyter Notebook”
  • a quick start guide
  • some advanced examples showing mixed HTML, JavaScript and PowerShell Notebook and Charts / Graphs
  • how to create your own PowerShell Jupyter Notebook environments

For those that attended the session, the presentation is embedded at the end of this post.… keep reading