Update: An element of this solution details checking passwords online (using the Have I Been Pwned API). Troy explains succinctly in his blog-post announcing the pwned passwords list why this is a bad idea. If you are looking to implement the concept I detail in this post then WE STRONGLY recommend using a local copy of the pwned password list.… keep reading
Synchronizing Exchange Online/Office 365 User Profile Photos with FIM/MIM
This is Part Two in the two-part blog post on managing users profile photos with MIM (Microsoft Identity Manager). Part one here detailed managing users Azure AD/Active Directory profile photo. This post delves deeper into photos, specifically around Office 365 and the reason why you may want to manage these via FIM/MIM.… keep reading
Office365 Licensing Management Agent for Microsoft Identity Manager
Licensing for Office365 has always been a moving target for enterprise customers. Over the years I’ve implemented a plethora of solutions to keep licensing consistent with entitlement logic. For some customers this is as simple as everyone gets say, an E3 license.… keep reading
A Twitter Management Agent for Microsoft Identity Manager
In the last couple of weeks I’ve been evaluating a number of different approaches/concepts for some upcoming MIM development projects. Some of these I’ve blogged about already.
Having an Identity Manager Metaverse with identity data is a key dependency to being able to validate ideas and concepts.… keep reading
Exception from HRESULT 0x80230729 creating a new FIM/MIM Management Agent
Another day, another piece of FIM/MIM experimentation. I had built a fresh MIM 2016 environment in Azure to test a few scenarios out. That all went quick and seamlessly thanks to some great templates and a few scripts. Until I came to create the management agent (the purpose of today’s experimentation).… keep reading
Provision Users for Exchange with FIM/MIM 2016 using the Granfeldt PowerShell MA, avoiding the AD MA (no-start-ma) error
Forefront / Microsoft Identity Manager provides Exchange Mailbox provisioning out of the box on the Active Directory Management Agent. I’ve used it in many many implementations over the years. However, in my first MIM 2016 implementation in late 2015 I ran into issues with something I’d done successfully many times before.… keep reading