In this post I detail a module I’ve just published that is another of those I’ve done this before, but how do I find it again moments. Converting from Windows and Unix timestamps with PowerShell. A number of the PowerShell Modules I’ve published do contain the Unix timestamp conversion, but I couldn’t find Windows timestamp conversion as a function that I know I’ve previously written.… keep reading
Updating and setting primary attributes in SuccessFactors with PowerShell
Approximately five years ago I rolled through a number of Identity and Access lifecycle management projects that used SAP SuccessFactors as the source of authority for user data. It isn’t uncommon to use a HRM solution to source identity data, but it is never a one way street.… keep reading
Azure AD User Account Federation Report
Which Azure AD Tenants is my user account federated too? More specifically, in which Azure Active Directory Tenants do I have an Azure Active Directory B2B Guest Account? Is there a way I can quickly get an Azure AD User Account Federation Report?… keep reading
Using Azure Cognitive Services Language Text Translation with PowerShell
Over the last few months whilst developing my Voice Assistant for Microsoft Identity Manager I’ve been leveraging a number of the Azure Cognitive Services. Each one has its own nuance as they all appear to be in differing iterations of maturity.… keep reading
Quickly generating a dataset of fictitious Users using Randomised Real Data and PowerShell
I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve had the need to generate a representative dataset of users. Of course I have access to many production datasets but for many reasons they can’t be used. Finding previous datasets I’ve randomly generated always seems to take longer than it should, so with my most recent iteration of having to generate a fictitious list of users with Australian addresses, I’ve documented how I went about it, along with the source data I used and the script to create it.… keep reading
Using your Voice to Search Microsoft Identity Manager – Part 2
Last month I wrote this post that detailed using your voice to search/query Microsoft Identity Manager. That post demonstrated a working solution (GitHub repository coming next month) but was still incomplete if it was to be used in production within an Enterprise.… keep reading
Sending Events from IoT Devices to Azure IoT Hub using HTTPS and REST
Different IoT Devices have different capabilities. Whether it is a Micro-controller or Single Board Computer your options will vary. In this post I detailed using MQTT to send messages from an IoT Device to an Azure IoT Hub as well as using the AzureIoT PowerShell Module.… keep reading
Utilising Azure Text to Speech Cognitive Services with PowerShell
Recently I’ve been building an IoT Project that leverages Azure Cognitive Services. A couple of the services I needed to use were for converting Text to Speech and Speech to Text. The guides were pretty good from Microsoft, but not obvious for use with native PowerShell.… keep reading
Getting started with the Lithnet REST API for the Microsoft Identity Manager Service
Update: Feb 2019 See this post for additional information configuring the Lithnet REST API for FIM/MIM post MIM v4.4.x.x
A common theme with my posts on Microsoft Identity is the extensibility of it particularly with the Lithnet tools that Ryan has released.… keep reading
Exporting IoT Device Information from Azure IoT Hub(s) using PowerShell
I have a number of Azure IoT Hubs each with a number of devices configured on them. I wanted to export the details for each IoT Device. This can’t be done via the Azure Portal (May 2018) so I looked to leverage the Azure.IoTHub… keep reading