Synchronizing Passwords from Active Directory to the IBM/Lotus Domino Identity Vault using Microsoft Identity Manager – Part 3

Password Change Sync to Domino


As the title suggests this is Part 3, and the final part in a three-part post on configuring FIM/MIM to synchronise users passwords from AD to the Domino ID Vault via PCNS and FIM/MIM.
Part 1 here detailed the creation of a PowerShell Management Agent to join users from Domino to the MIM Sync Metaverse.… keep reading

Synchronizing Passwords from Active Directory to the IBM/Lotus Domino Identity Vault using Microsoft Identity Manager – Part 1

Identity Manager to Domino Password Sync Overview


Recently I wrote about getting started with the latest IBM/Lotus Notes/Domino Management Agent for Microsoft Identity Manager. In a recent engagement we are using that MA to provision and manage identities into Domino. We are also using the MA to synchronise passwords via PCNS and MIM to the Notes users’ Internet (HTTP) password.… keep reading

Error Synchronising passwords to users IBM/Lotus Domino HTTP Password with FIM/MIM – System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented

Require Secure Connection. IBM Lotus Domino System.NotImplementedException

Recently I posted about implementing the Microsoft IBM/Lotus Domino Management Agent.

In the implementation I needed to synchronise password changes from Active Directory to Lotus Notes (HTTP Password).  After configuring PCNS to send password change events to the FIM/MIM server, and configuring the IBM Domino MA as a password target I was hoping everything would just fire up like it normally does with PCNS.… keep reading