Update: April 13 2017. See this post for adapting to changes in the AzureAD PowerShell Module Helper Libraries
Recently Microsoft released the preview of the v2.0 Azure AD PowerShell cmdlets. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/azure-ad-new-powershell-cmdlets-preview/
I’ve got a project coming up where I’m looking to change my approach for managing users in Azure using Microsoft Identity Manager. Good timing to do a quick proof of concept to manage users with the new cmdlets and directly using the Graph API in preparation to move away from the msol cmdlets.
New Modules
First up, the Azure AD v2.0 PowerShell module was released in public preview on July 13, 2016. There will likely be changes before they become GA, so keep that in mind.
The v2.0 Azure AD PowerShell Module modules themselves are available for download from here
If you have Windows Management Framework v5 installed you can download and install from PowerShell (as below).
Once installed, pretty quickly you can import the module, authenticate to your tenant, retrieve a user and update a few attributes (as below).
Whilst functional it doesn’t really work for how we need to interact with Azure from an Identity Management perspective. So how can we still use PowerShell but enumerate and manipulate identities in Azure ?
Now that we have the AzureAD v2.0 module installed we can reference the Active Directory library it installs (Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory.dll), authenticate to our Tenant retrieve users, and update them. That’s exactly what is shown in the commands below.
Where interacting with the GraphAPI directly really shines however is at the directory services layer and the Differential Query functionality.
As such this is the approach that I’ll be taking for integration of Azure with Microsoft Identity Manager for managing users for entitlements (such as Azure licensing).
I hope this though also saves a few people time in working out how to use PowerShell to manage Azure objects via the Graph API (using both the PowerShell Module or via the RestAPI).