I have a customer that is looking to report on FIM/MIM identity information. The reports they are looking for aren’t overly complex and don’t necessarily justify the need the full FIM/MIM reporting infrastructure. So I spent a few hours over a couple of days looking at alternatives.… keep reading
Goodbye Set-MsolUser, Hello Set-AzureADUser & Azure Graph API
Update: April 13 2017. See this post for adapting to changes in the AzureAD PowerShell Module Helper Libraries
Recently Microsoft released the preview of the v2.0 Azure AD PowerShell cmdlets. https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/updates/azure-ad-new-powershell-cmdlets-preview/
I’ve got a project coming up where I’m looking to change my approach for managing users in Azure using Microsoft Identity Manager.… keep reading
Exception from HRESULT 0x80230729 creating a new FIM/MIM Management Agent
Another day, another piece of FIM/MIM experimentation. I had built a fresh MIM 2016 environment in Azure to test a few scenarios out. That all went quick and seamlessly thanks to some great templates and a few scripts. Until I came to create the management agent (the purpose of today’s experimentation).… keep reading
Consuming CSV files from an Exchange Mailbox via Exchange Web Services and FIM/MIM 2016 using the Granfeldt PowerShell MA
This solution on first look is quite random. A management agent that consumes a flat file (comma separated file) isn’t ground breaking, but when the twist is that the CSV file is in an email in an Exchange Inbox, it’s quite a different scenario.… keep reading
Managing SharePoint Online (SPO) User Profiles with FIM/MIM 2016 and the Granfeldt PowerShell MA
Forefront / Microsoft Identity Manager does not come with an out-of-the-box management agent for managing SharePoint Online.
Whilst the DirSync/AADConnect solution will allow you to synchronise attributes from your On Premise Active Directory to AzureAD, SharePoint only leverages a handful of them.… keep reading
HRESULT: 0x8023063D when attempting to run multiple Sync Run Profiles in MIM/FIM after applying rollup build 4.3.2124.0
A new hotfix rollup was released on the 11th of March Microsoft Identity Manager contains a number of fixes and some new functionality.
It appears that it also contains a new bug. Information about this came to my attention from Ryan Newington
The bug kicks in if you’re trying to run sync sequences on multiple MA’s simultaneously.… keep reading
Creating Microsoft Identity Manger (MIM) Run Profiles using PowerShell (post MIM rollup build 4.3.2124.0)
A new hotfix rollup was released on the 11th of March for Microsoft Identity Manager that contains a number of fixes and some new functionality.
One new feature according to the release notes is a new cmdlet Add-MIISADMARunProfileStep
This cmdlet allows the creation of MIM Synchronisation Management Agent Run Profiles using PowerShell.… keep reading
Dynamic Active Directory User Provisioning placement (OU) using the Granfeldt Powershell Management Agent
When using Forefront / Microsoft Identity Manager for provisioning users into Active Directory, determining which organisational unit (OU) to place the user in varies from customer to customer. Some AD OU structures are flat, others hierarchical based on business, departmental, functional role or geography.… keep reading
Managing AD Terminal Services Configuration with FIM / MIM using the Granfeldt PowerShell Management Agent
Forefront / Microsoft Identity Manager contains numerous Management Agents (MA’s) out of the box. However an MA for managing AD Terminal Services user configuration isn’t one of them. And at first pass you’d think you could just manipulate a few attributes in AD on an AD MA like you do for home directories (aside from creating the file and permissions on the filesystem) and you’d be done.… keep reading
Provisioning Home Directories for Active Directory Users with FIM / MIM using the Granfeldt PowerShell Management Agent
Forefront / Microsoft Identity Manager contains numerous Management Agents (MA’s) out of the box. However an MA for creating user home directories and setting the associated permissions isn’t one of them.
Over the years I’ve accomplished home directory provisioning and permissioning in Active Directory / Windows File Services and Novell eDirectory / Novell File Services using methods that aren’t strictly best practice / supported (e.g.… keep reading