
Convert to and from Windows and Unix timestamps with PowerShell

In this post I detail a module I've just published that is another of those I've done this before, but…

1 year ago

Updating and setting primary attributes in SuccessFactors with PowerShell

Approximately five years ago I rolled through a number of Identity and Access lifecycle management projects that used SAP SuccessFactors…

1 year ago

Microsoft.dotnet-interactive is not compatible with net5.0

Today I was keen to try out some new ideas I wanted to explore in a Jupyter Notebook. I hadn't…

2 years ago

Using WordPress API’s with PowerShell

This blog uses WordPress. Why WordPress? Well, it was the most prevalent platform when I started this blog back in…

2 years ago

Connecting to Microsoft Graph using the Authorization Code with PKCE Flow and PowerShell

I've authored numerous posts on using the Microsoft Authentication Libraries to connect to Microsoft Graph using PowerShell and Python. They…

2 years ago

Generating PKCE codes with PowerShell

Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) is a mechanism often used with an OAuth2 Authorization Code Grant flow to provide…

2 years ago

Microsoft Graph Permission Scope IDs

Registering Microsoft Graph applications using the Azure Portal and assigning API Permissions is trivial. When you are automating that process…

2 years ago

What does your Azure AD FIDO2 Passwordless Credential look like?

I'm curious. I often think, how does that work? Or why does it behave like that? We are well into…

2 years ago

Interactive Authentication to Microsoft Graph using MSAL with PowerShell and Delegated Permissions

Previously I've written about using MSAL and PowerShell with Application Permissions and Client Credentials and Certificate based authentication. Also with…

2 years ago

Updating .NET Interactive

I've been using Jupyter Notebook with PowerShell since the early releases of of the Public Preview of PowerShell Support in…

3 years ago

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