SailPoint IdentityNow

This page summarises posts relating to Sailpoint IdentityNow.  Most posts relate to interfacing with Sailpoint IdentityNow using the API’s (using PowerShell or Microsoft Identity Manager).

However, also checkout links to posts associated with configuring/troubleshooting the configuration of Sources and integrations such as Microsoft AD FS, ServiceNow, RACF and JDBC.keep reading

Microsoft Identity Manager

This page summarizes the posts I’ve made relating to Microsoft / Forefront Identity Manager. Mostly posts associated with troubleshooting installation and configuration and bespoke management agents that I’ve developed using the Granfeldt PowerShell Management Agent.

NEW: ChatOps for Microsoft Identity Manager

This post details how to install, configure and use the Lithnet.PoshBot… keep reading

Using your Voice to Search Microsoft Identity Manager – Part 1


Yes, you’ve read the title correctly. Speaking to Microsoft Identity Manager. The concept behind this was born off the back of some other work I was doing with Microsoft Cognitive Services. I figured it shouldn’t be that difficult if I just break down the concept into individual elements of functionality and put together a proof of concept to validate the idea.… keep reading