This page summarises the posts I’ve made relating to IoT. Mostly posts associated with integrating Single Board Computers (SBC’s) and Microcontrollers with the Internet and/or Azure IoT. I’ll be keeping it updated as I post more about messing around with IoT devices.… keep reading

Microsoft Identity Manager Graph Connector stopped-extensible-extension-error

Running a Delta Import on the Microsoft Identity Manager Graph Connector returns stopped-extensible-extension-error .

Looking into the Application Event Log we initially see BadRequest.

Graph Connector Delta Token Expired

Digging deeper we find DeltaLink older than 30 days is not supported.

Graph Connector Delta Token Expired over 30 Days.PNG

In this particular case the Microsoft Graph Connector for Microsoft Identity Manager has not run in over 30 days and the Differential Query DeltaLink cookie that I detailed in this post and this post has expired.… keep reading

VSCode on Raspberry Pi for PowerShell Development

This is a post that I started more than a year ago. A goal was to be able to use a Raspberry Pi as a PowerShell Development environment. Whilst a lot has changed in that time (Powershell Core, Code Server and now the new Raspberry Pi 4) and a lot of progress made, I haven’t achieved my ultimate goal of using a Raspberry Pi as a development environment for Azure PowerShell Functions.… keep reading

Microsoft Identity Manager PowerShell Management Agent for Oracle Internet Directory

Why a FIM/MIM PowerShell Management Agent for Oracle Internet Directory? Why not just use the Generic LDAP Connector for Microsoft Identity Manager? I needed an integration solution that was able to update an Oracle Database behind Oracle Internet Directory. That meant I required a solution that was able to use LDAP to get visibility as to who/what was in OID, but then make updates into an Oracle DB.… keep reading